Lucy and David – Cyberpunk Edgerunners



  • Printed with a 7K resin printer,
  • Printed from high precision and durable resin,
  • Beautiful, highly detailed models,
  • Hard to break, flexible prints.


Printing and Material

Our figures are printed with a top of the line 7K resin printer, using the best available resin. They are beautiful, flexible and highly detailed.

The painted version comes assembled, except in some cases when shipping would damage the product. For this, we pack such parts separately.
The unpainted version comes in pieces and require assembly using super glue. The joints on the different pieces might need further sanding to fit correctly, but this is very quick and easy.


Processing Time and Shipping

Shipping to Europe usually takes 1-2 weeks, while other countries may take 1-4 weeks depending on location.


Additional information


Full size, Miniature


painted, unpainted